Our Products


LifeWave’s life technology harnesses your body’s natural, restorative energy and enhances your ability to live well.

LifeWave X39® Patches

Optimum health and wellness can now be yours with X39, a new approach to improving the way your body fosters the flow of energy in your body for improvements in strength, stamina and beyond. By gently stimulating the skin with light, our general wellness, non-transdermal patches help you conquer your active life-style and pave a new way to vibrant health.


  • New technology stimulates the skin with low levels of light, resulting in improved energy flow

  • Supports improved exercise performance

  • Supports improvements in strength and stamina

  • Supports overall health and well-being

  • No drugs or stimulants

  • Patented

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Lifewave Web
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Natural, Powerful
& Long-Lasting Pain Relief

LUMINAS Electroceutical Relief patches are a clinically proven way to reduce pain and inflammation without the need for drugs, topical creams, or other harmful chemicals. LUMINAS has helped tens of thousands of people find relief from chronic and acute pain of all types.

LUMINAS Relief patches work directly with your body to target pain causing inflammation resulting in real long-lasting relief.

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Healthy Wave™ 5-Therapy Infrared & PEMF Mats

PEMF Mat Therapy

Get the most advanced PEMF mat therapy with the Healthy Wave PEMF mat. Based on the latest scientific research, we deliver the optimum PEMF therapy experience. Healthy Wave Mats low frequency PEMF operates in the same frequency range as the earth magnetic field which helps bring our own magnetic field back to its natural state. This can provide a wide range of benefits like improving ones well-being and synergistically working with the far infrared therapy.

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Healthy Wave™ 5-Therapy Infrared & PEMF Mats

From Fatigue to Energized: Feel the Echo Difference! Boost your energy levels naturally – no caffeine crash, just pure hydrogen power.

What is Hydrogen Water?

Hydrogen water is regular water (H₂O) infused with extra hydrogen molecules (H₂). This might sound simple, but adding these tiny atoms of hydrogen can have a huge impact on your health and wellness.


From CBD products, Clean Cosmetics, weight loss supplements, fuel additives to nutritional supplements, My Daily Choice is watching out for your health and the planet's future!

There are so many options we can't even begin to address them here!

Daily Choice
Daily Choice

Blue Scorpion

Pain and Inflammation Relief

Blue Scorpion Pain & Inflammation Relief is a homeopathic formula which harnesses the power of Blue Scorpion Venom through a patented polarization process. Along with Apis Mellifica and Rhus Tox, this combination of ingredients offers temporary relief from pain and inflammation.

  • Pain and Inflammation Relief

  • Non-Synthetic

  • Non-Toxic

  • No Known Side Effects

  • No Drug Interactions

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Activate your full potential with the STEMREGEN® Protocol —a comprehensive approach to the body’s innate repair system, combining STEMREGEN® Release, Signal, and Mobilize to enhance stem cell function, improve microcirculation, and modulate cellular signaling.  This powerful triad supports the body’s innate ability to renew, paving the way for healthy aging with optimal health & longevity.
